The lentils and beans in this cereal bump up the protein content higher than most of the other options on our list, with eight grams per serving. Each serving also provides six grams of fiber.
Not all cereal is bad, but experts say this one is the worst. High in sugar and sodium, it offers little nutritional value.
There are hundreds of cereal options available on the market today. Choosing a high fiber cereal can be difficult. That’s why i’ve compiled a few to compare side-by-side! This post may contain ...
Fiber-rich cereals have made progress on the road to tastiness. Fourteen years ago, Consumer Reports found that most high-fiber cereals "tasted more like straw than grain." But in our latest tests ...
To find the healthiest cereals, we spoke with registered dietitian nutritionists (R.D.N.s) for their favorites. Two nutrients that R.D.N.s repeatedly said to look for is fiber (men should eat ...