One question we get often is “why do I need to reseed my fescue lawn? The parts of my lawn that are Bermuda never need any ...
One impressive evergreen option is the blue fescue grass, Festuca glauca, famed for its low-growing habit and silvery-blue foliage that glistens when bathing in sunshine. This species can be used ...
Red fescue (Festuca rubra) is a popular cool-season grass for lawns across the United States, but especially for shadier ...
The fescue seed will germinate at a lower soil ... can apply the weed prevention ahead of the crabgrass. Wait until the grass seed germinates and starts to grow. Then allow it to grow to an ...
Tall Fescue- (TF) Lolium arundinaceum (FKA: Festuca arundinacea) The new turf-type tall fescues are excellent for Delaware and they have excellent color, quality, and vigor. TF is considered a ...
Caring homeowners always seem anxious to fertilize their lawns, perhaps hoping that will help turf recover or overcome some ...