Upper Providence Police say three Hondas were stolen from one Royersford neighborhood overnight. Detectives say the crooks ...
The owner of Detailing Technologies and D T Auto Sales in Manheim, Pennsylvania, said his foreman noticed a Jeep Wrangler was ...
Car theft is reaching alarming levels across the US and UK, with keyless entry vehicles being prime targets. Criminals are ...
Keyless entry is a handy feature on many of our cars, however the systems make vehicles more vulnerable to thieves.
Police in Montgomery County issued a warning to car owners after three Hondas were stolen overnight March 12 into March 13.
Car owners in one Pennsylvania town are being warned to protect their key fobs after thieves used a device to steal three vehicles in the overnight hours leading into Thursday.
The gang targeted high-value cars across the south-east, using relays to boost the signal from keys without having to break ...