New Dawn is a direct sequel to Far Cry 5, set in a post-apocalyptic world with vibrant colors, new enemies, and a destroyed ...
They smother the faded urban decay of what used to be Far Cry 5's Midwest map, and that's why I'm playing it like the DLC that never was. As one of but a scant handful of sequels, New Dawn is an ...
Far Cry 5 is the next entry into the 1st person shooter franchise by Ubisoft. Set in the fictional location of Hope County, Montana, USA, the plot follows an unknown sherrif's deputy as they ...
allowing the game to run at 60 frames per second on PlayStation and Xbox platforms. Released in 2019 as a standalone sequel to Far Cry 5, New Dawn presents players with a visually striking post ...
If you haven't already scrapped your weekend plans so that you can binge The Sandman, here's another brilliant way to be entertained all weekend: Ubisoft is making Far Cry 6 completely free to ...
From wacky to iconic, the Far Cry franchise's DLC expansion packs have featured a diversity of content. Here's which ones ...
Then both Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5 are currently $5.99 on Steam. Then there is Far Cry Primal, which is the one Far Cry game also on sale on the PlayStation Store. On Both the PlayStation Store and ...