Earth is our home planet, and it's the only place in the universe where we know for certain that life exists. Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago from a swirling cloud of gas and dust squished ...
you'll find a variety of Earth Day facts below that you might not already know. In this collection of trivia bits, you'll find interesting facts on how the observation got its start, the founders ...
Dinosaurs are the extinct relatives of birds that roamed the lands and seas of ancient Earth. They first appeared around 240 ...
Sound as we know it does not exist in space. That’s because, on Earth, sound mainly travels to our ears via vibrating air molecules. Because space is a vacuum, meaning there is no matter at all ...
On 31 March 2007, more than 2.2 million individuals and 2,000 businesses in Sydney, Australia switched off their lights for one hour, which marked the beginning of the Earth Hour movement. And that ...