Head lice are tiny wingless insects. They live among human hairs and feed on blood from the scalp. Head lice are a common problem, especially for kids. They spread easily from person to person, and ...
Head lice are most commonly a problem for children, but adults can get head lice. Head lice can spread quickly between children because they do things that help lice spread—such as sharing hats or ...
Head lice and nits are very common in young children and while they are a nuisance, they don’t cause any serious harm. It is a myth that head lice are only attracted to unwashed or dirty hair as ...
Head lice affects about 6 to 12 million children, ages 3 to 12, each year in the U.S. To spot the signs of head lice early and help prevent an infestation from spreading, follow these tips from ...
A head lice expert who was called in to help reported ... in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.