4 Courses in the ESL Strand (plus practicum EDCI 5580): EDCI 4762 (3 Credits). Essential Sociolinguistics for English as a Second Language Learning and Teaching. This course is designed for the ...
This semester, the ESOL staff and ESF student conversation partners will help multilingual students achieve success both personally and in their courses across the curriculum. The ESOL Center is ...
This standards-based course offers practical application of the knowledge and skills learned in other courses for teaching ESL to adult language learners. After doing structured observations of ...
Henderson State University will host an ESOL Institute this summer providing Arkansas Educators an opportunity to earn 12 ...
Henderson State University will host an ESOL Institute this summer providing Arkansas educators an opportunity to earn 12 ...
Our classes are offered to students with low-intermediate to advanced English proficiency. Students can take individual ESL courses or enroll in a full-time intensive certificate program that includes ...