His open source modification for the Ender 3 Pro turns the affordable printer ... plus the cost of the plastic to print out the 24 components necessary to complete the conversion.
For V3.0 BL touches, the C7 capacitor must be removed from the motherboard. Please view the "Ender-3 C7 Capacitor" picture uploaded above. The capacitor in question is circled - the yellow one closest ...
The resulting FS-Plotter project is based around a Creality Ender 3 FDM printer. Standard g-code from PrusaSlicer is used to move a pen around, after the latter has been fitted into a (3D-printed ...
Creality v1.1.5 Silent Control Board. For V3.0 BL touches, the C7 capacitor must be removed from the motherboard. Please view the "Ender-3 C7 Capacitor" picture uploaded above. The capacitor in ...