[BB8] decided based on no reason in particular to replace the proprietary motor controller with one based on VESC, an open-source electric motor controller for all kinds of motors even beyond ebikes.
Electric bike speed controllers are essential components that regulate the power flow from the battery to the motor. They manage the throttle, braking, and various features that influence the ...
Implement the motor and accompanying rotary sensor into a motor control circuit in both hardware and software. Add a motor and motor control circuit into a microprocessor based development kit. Create ...
48V electric motor and controller allows the compressor to be paired with work trucks built on an electric hybrid chassis platform. Stellar has launched the 30P-E compressor, an electrically ...
When speaking about motor control, it is worth to reviewing some figures before entering the technical details. First of all, even if it is hard to believe, the number of electric motor produced per ...
This week’s PowerBites features two advances in battery technology plus a look at how electric marine propulsion is changing the shipping industry. And don’t forget to check ...
In EVs, the complicated oily bits such as the engine, fuel lines and tank get replaced by an electric motor, controller and battery pack. An electric drivetrain is much simpler than an ICE vehicle ...