The Pokemon Trading Card Game spread like wildfire, and the original 150 Pokemon expanded to 151 after Pokemon: The First ...
There are three types that flying Pokémon are especially weak to ice-, electric-, and rock-types ... Flying Pokémon are super effective against fighting-, grass-, and bug-types on the battlefield.
Team Go Rocket Grunts are recurring villains in the world of Pokémon Go. 'Villains' might be a bit strong - they’re mostly minor nuisances that either slow down gameplay or give you something ...
Some Pokemon GO players have recently encountered a glitch that spawns two creatures on the catch screen, preventing them from capturing either. The bug was possibly introduced in the latest ...
A bug is causing the tagging system to break on certain Pokemon. Update (01/11/2021): The “Known Issues” page now lists this problem as “Resolved.” However, this only applies to Pokemon that are ...