ELDs are a legally required piece of technology for commercial vehicle drivers, automatically tracking driving hours and ...
Catch new shows live at noon EDT Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on FreightWaves LinkedIn, Facebook, X or YouTube, or on demand by looking up WHAT THE TRUCK?!? on your favorite podcast player and at 5 ...
Deep dive into the world of ELDs and learn how to transform your fleet management practices. From enhancing safety and compliance to optimizing operational efficiency, data from ELDs have the ...
telematics and ELDs. These technologies are all measures many fleets have implemented to increase safety, but a large portion of the truck driver population would disagree that these are ...
Be extra careful on the roads, truck drivers are currently allowed to ... Plus, they get to use paper logs instead of relying on ELDs. The waiver is effective immediately and remains in effect ...
Why does Highway want to connect with your ELD? What if you don't have an ELD? Do they sell ELD data? Answers to all these ...
Urban Jonson with Serjon tells HDT what bad actors hope to achieve by hacking into ELDs and how fleets can protect themselves. Ten more electronic logging devices have been removed from the ...