A Schmidt-Cassegrain 8-inch telescope. SBO possesses two 8-inch diameter Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes. One is a Celestron (on long-term loan from John Bally) that was mounted piggyback on the 18-inch ...
We installed two 20-inch PlaneWave Telescopes (CDK20, 20-inch, 0.51 meter, f/6.8 Corrected Dall-Kirkham Astrographs) on Software Bisque Taurus 500 mounts in the spring of 2017. The telescopes are ...
According to Dr. Phillip R. Shriver, President Emeritus & Professor of History, "The telescope represents the future, man's continuing quest to find meaning in the universe. Why are we here, on this ...
McKim Observatory still houses many of its original instruments, including a 9.53 inch Clark Refractor telescope, a meridian transit telescope, and a gravity driven chronograph. Missing from the early ...