Edmund Spenser was the greatest Elizabethan poet – and here ‘greatest’ means not just ‘best’ but also ‘biggest’. From 1579 he published poems which were designed to show that he was the heir of both ...
Spencer was the most famous poet. He wrote a collection of poems (88) called "Amoretti": he speaks about his love for Elisabeth Boil, from the period between the first moment he met his woman ...
In the Ode which celebrates Edmund Spenser's second marriage, and which was his wedding present to his wife for that occasion, he is exceptionally careful with his numbers. They point to his theme, ...
On the south wall of Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey is a marble memorial to Edmund Spenser, poet and author of The Faerie Queene, which he dedicated to Queen Elizabeth I. Anne Clifford, Countess ...
Edmund Spenser was born in London in 1552 ... that are somehow related to the course of courtship of the poet to Elizabeth Boyle, heemphasizes both physical and spiritual beauty.