Never in doubt of his own abilities, Edgar Allan Poe pursued extremes in literature and in life.
Not just a great writer, Poe had a circle of friends and family that cared for and about him, says the author of a new biography.
A new biography, “Edgar Allan Poe” by Richard Kopley, is a sympathetic portrait of the horror master, connecting his life ...
Detective stories captivate us today in books, on television ... over 150 years to a Boston-born master of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe. And the most shocking true-crime story in Poe's day ...
Auguste Dupin, Poe's main character, was the first genius detective Kat Eschner In Baltimore, they’re keeping the tradition of visiting Edgar Allan Poe’s grave for his birthday—but without ...
A rendering of the new Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum in the works in West Baltimore. Expand to read more re:vital design Listen to this article 3 min The Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum draws ...