Eczema usually appears on visible areas of skin. But sometimes it strikes less easy-to-see places like the top of your head. Scalp eczema causes itchy, dry, red, and inflamed skin. You may also ...
Dandruff typically causes larger flakes and more buildup than dry skin. Read on to learn if your flaky scalp is dandruff or ...
Dandruff is a condition where dry skin flakes off of your scalp. Eczema is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that may cause dry, itchy, and flaky skin. But dandruff and eczema aren’t the ...
Luxurious Chinese- and Japanese-inspired head spa treatments are all the rage in L.A. We share favorites, and what they offer.
Also known as seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff is an inflammatory response to an imbalance in the scalp microbiome ... Medical conditions like HIV, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, Parkinson’s disease ...