Created by British-American software publisher and computer designer Adam Osborne, the Osborne 1 is recognized as the first commercially successful portable computer, shipping in April 1981 ...
To a large extent, they have succeeded. One notable portable computer from the early '80s weighed 28 pounds and cost $3,600. Today's mobile computers, in contrast, are far lighter, much slimmer ...
Nowhere is this truer than with laptops and tablet PCs. The supposedly portable computers of the early 1980s, such as Osborne 1 and Compaq, were conventional desktop computers with a small monitor ...
A few months back we brought you word of the YARH.IO, an extremely impressive Raspberry Pi portable that featured rugged good looks and a unique convertible design made possible by a removable ...
Conceived and created by Manuel Fernandez, founder of Gavilan Computer Corp., the Gavilan SC was an early laptop computer ... than rival IBM PC-compatible portable computers such as the 28 pounder ...
A question: does anyone who was around in the early days of the 8-bit computer revolution remember a dual-CPU 6502 portable machine like this one? Or just a dual-CPU machine? Or even just a ...