Needle or Piercing Gun? A look at three local spots that use sterile needles, and why this is a safer method for your child.
We're talking specifically ear placements in this article, but other areas of your body (like your nose) are also an option. Of course, deciding where to get pierced will likely be informed by how ...
Every parent wants the same thing when it comes finding the perfect place to get your child's ears pierced: a professional, ...
the what and the where to get pierced. Lark & Berry head piercer Svetlana Hristova: I take immense pride in offering a unique and personalised ear styling experience to my clients. What sets my ...
Whether you've run out of room for more ear piercings or simply like the trending ... fleshy bit underneath that will get pierced. As for what jewellery to wear in your septum piercing, most ...
Founder Louisa Schneider started Rowan in 2017 after wanting to get her young daughter's ears pierced but being uncomfortable with the options available at shopping malls. "I wanted a medical ...
Are you planning to get a new piercing? You need to be careful during the initial days of getting a piercing to avoid ...
When her daughter was born about nine years ago, she wanted a "safe" and "medically approved" way to get her baby's ears pierced. Her pediatrician didn't pierce, and she didn't feel comfortable ...
While some body piercings such as ear lobe piercings are fairly simple, others are more complex and daunting. Body piercing is a great way of expressing your unique personality and sense of beauty ...