Cured meat uses brining, smoking, canning, or drying techniques to preserve it. Dry curing drains the meat of excess salt, ...
Cooking up briskets of corned beef is must as metro Detroiters prepare to celebrate Monday's St. Patrick's Day. Try these ...
Pancetta is another example of true dry-curing. The meat is first salted and then dried, resulting in a product that is shelf-stable. This recipe uses the technique of salting by weight ...
We visited a factory in Langhirano, Italy to see what goes behind the making of the famous dry cured meat. After being cut into their signature shape, rear pigs legs are covered with a layer of ...
After 24 hours, remove the beef from the marinade and pat dry. Place the marinade in a pan and heat gently until the volume of liquid has reduced by half. Season with salt and pepper. For the ...
Remove the meat from the cure, quickly rinse to remove the salt and spices, and pat dry with a paper towel. To make it easier to finely slice the cured beef, use a slicing machine or freeze the ...
For the dry cured ribs, stir together all of the dry ingredients and rub them all into the rib of beef. Place the beef into a large plastic container and cover with any remaining cure mix.
Remove the meat from the cure, quickly rinse to remove the salt and spices, and pat dry with a paper towel. Note: To make it easier to finely slice the cured beef, use a slicing machine or freeze ...