I have a Rock Band 4 drum kit with cymbals for the Playstation 4. While the pads work fairly well, the cymbals are total trash. They're somewhat functional for some songs, occasinally dropping or ...
This is a virtual drum kit in SFZ format using samples recorded by Vincent "Tchackpoum" Sermone. The MIDI mappings are set up with the intention of working for many popular e-drum kits (Alesis, Roland ...
Embedded above is [egyokeo]’s solution for using MIDI drums with Guitar Hero. He’s playing a DrumKAT MIDI kit. It connects to a PC running his MIDI Hero software, which handles timing and ...
When looking through existing Arduino drum kit projects, [joekutz] noticed that most of them just used the microcontroller as an input for an existing MIDI device. That’s fine if you’re just ...