It’s never been easier to take methadone, the daily dose of opioid-blocking medicine that is vital for many in addiction ...
LIKE many at the end of the working day, Will was always in a rush to get home. In his late 20s and with a professional job ...
Nearly 50 million over the age of 12 reportedly have substance use disorders​, which can include addictions to alcohol or ...
As a paramedic stabilizes the patient, a certified recovery specialist will encourage the person to seek help at a Main Line ...
Patients who receive inpatient treatment are far more likely to be prescribed life-saving addiction medications, a new study ...
Reducing funding to the largest payer for addiction services could pose major setbacks for those battling drug use ...
Some celebrities like to keep their personal struggles private, but some are open to sharing their experiences like Robert ...
An Alberta Crown corporation that studies addiction recommends that any involuntary treatment be done for longer time periods ...
Like a growing number of over 50s, one of Andrew’s addictions was crack cocaine. Over the last five years, the number of ...