Hardy and full of vigor — drought-tolerant plants make a great choice for window boxes to add color, style and freshness into ...
Special to The Highlander Wondering how to start a lush landscape of foliage that can survive the harsh Texas weather?
Colleen Dieter, a top gardening educator, is the speaker for the Highland Lakes Native Plant Society’s Chapter meeting ...
I’d prefer plants that are relatively drought tolerant. MORE SPERRY: Should oak leaves be used in compost? A: I live the same dream that you do. I’ve gone from Bermuda grass turf to St ...
I have always been acutely mindful of the effects of drought and its ... to make teff more salt tolerant. I also have two PhD students who are looking at resurrection plants that have fungi ...
Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis). A favorite in California landscapes with a dense, rounded crown and beautiful orange and red fall foliage. Deciduous. Grows 30-50 feet. Coast Live ...
This series of brochures were developed to educate Delawareans about the problem of invasive plants in the landscape. Plants on the Delaware Invasive Species List that are still bought and sold in the ...