By now, you're probably familiar with using maple syrup to sweeten cocktails. But what about its cousin? Here's how to use ...
and indulging in wholesome activities such as mushroom-picking and drinking birch sap. Now, "päntsdrunk" has been brought into the mainstream by Finnish journalist Miska Rantanen, who describes ...
Maple and birch syrups are harvested around the same time, in early spring, when temperatures fluctuate. They’re also harvested the same way: A small hole is drilled into the trunks, a spout (spile) ...
Aspen, beech, and birch sap seen as small niche, but could have potential for new revenue streams for maple producers.
While drinking tree sap does not immediately sound appealing, Canadian producers are hoping that it will be the next must-try soft drink around the world. We have all heard of maple syrup ...
Birch water, which consists of the sap taken from birch trees ... maple water has been a celebrated health drink in parts of Asia for centuries. Consisting of the same ingredients as maple ...
BIRCH Botanical vodka crafted with Scottish birch sap has been recognised by experts as the nation's most innovative food and ...