DPSS Lasers Inc. is a world leader in high repetition rate solid state UV lasers at 355 nm * 3500 Series has the highest efficiency quasi-CW 355nm power in the industry * Samurai UV Laser Marking ...
Lasever Inc. is the main manufacturers of DPSS Lasers, 532nm green lasers, 473nm blue lasers, and infrared lasers. Our DPSS Lasers are featured with excellent beam profile, long life time and reliable ...
The Series 3500 UV lasers from DPSS Lasers (Santa Clara, California, USA) are quasi-continuous-wave (quasi-CW) lasers with a repetition rate greater than 100 kHz.
He explains that the paradox of an ostensibly monochromatic source emitting two distinct wavelengths comes from the IR laser at the heart of the diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) laser inside the ...