Detection of microvascular obstruction by the Doppler flow wire directly after primary PCI can identify patients who may benefit from adjunctive therapy after primary PCI.
Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive technique that uses sound waves to measure the speed and direction of blood flow in your vessels. It can help diagnose and monitor various conditions that ...
AIMS To identify the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) shunt flow pattern using Doppler echocardiography; and to assess whether it could be used to predict the development of clinically significant PDA.
The cardiac position is highly variable in lizards. A Doppler flow detector monitor can be used to define the heart location. Jugular venipuncture is practical in larger species such as iguanas ...
transcranial power Doppler. CONCLUSIONS The detection of intracranial aneurysm by transcranial power Doppler is dependent on aneurysm location, size, and morphology and is enhanced with the use of an ...
Doppler Ultrasound,Pulsatile Flow,Resistance Index,Singular Value,Singular Value Decomposition,Aliasing Effect,Entire Field Of View,Field Of View,Spectroscopic,Wide Field Of View,Acute Kidney ...
Doppler Frequency,Atmospheric Window,CCD Camera,Cavity Length,Channel Flow,Collimated Beam,Diode Laser,Displacement Amplitude,Doppler Shift,Doppler Spectrum,Doppler ...