India (Madras Presidency): cooked tubers eaten. (Maharashtra [Raigad district]: tubers and bulbils eaten raw after cleaning. Samoa: cooked roots eaten. Tanzania: unspecified part [tuber?] eaten, in ...
"Governmental and legislative advocacy is only as strong as the constituents behind it." Locals take action against ...
The air potato plant, known as Dioscorea bulbifera, is a climbing vine native to Africa, Asia, and Australia. The plant is considered invasive and has spread quickly throughout the southeastern ...
Invasive plants don’t just take over gardens ... Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera), and air potato vines (Dioscorea bulbifera), all of which spread rapidly and push out native plants.
Dioscorea nipponica rhizoma (DNR) is commonly used for the cure of hyperthyroidism resulting from Graves’ disease (GD) or thyroid nodules. However, its therapeutic mechanism remains unclear. This ...