This is just the new way of consuming nicotine,” a vape shop owner in West Campus says of continuing to sell flavored vapes.
It’s also wise to avoid sharing a vape if you have any form of food allergy as different vape flavours contain different additives and flavourings that could trigger a reaction, experts have warned.
In 2024, sales of unauthorized flavored disposable vapes in the U.S. reached approximately $2.4 billion, accounting for 35% ...
An investigation into 'nicotine free' vapes has made a worrying find with Brits warned that they might not be buying what ...
Monsters Vapes are designed to hit full spectrum heights ... Many factors could cause actual results, performance, or achievement to be materially different from any forward-looking statements, and ...
Disposable vapes, intended to be thrown away once used ... State’s crackdown on vaping has led to haphazard enforcement as different jurisdictions have different enforcement standards, leaving ...