Japan where viewers learn about the Okinawa diet and why traditional Japanese cuisine may play a role in longevity. Clearly, something is working since Japan has the highest number of centenarians ...
Longevity researcher Dan Buettner has been fascinated with finding exactly what it is that makes people in certain corners of ...
During his extensive research, his quest took him to Okinawa where, during one of his visits to the island, he spoke to the sprightly 104-year-old, Ushi Okushima who claimed that her diet mainly ...
Source: iStockphoto/Getty Images The traditional Okinawa diet helped people living on the Japanese island to live to age 100 and beyond. Here's how to eat as the Japanese centenarians from Okinawa ...
Okinawa, nestled among picturesque landscapes ... many of whom follow a predominantly plant-based diet. Dan elaborates in his book 'The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer', where he notes ...
Okinawa has seen a string of sexual assaults committed by U.S. servicemen against residents. The Diet is in recess, but on July 30, Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa told an Upper House committee ...