The existing science on diet soda hasn't gotten the golden seal of ... was required to carry a frightening warning label: "This product contains saccharin, which has been determined to cause ...
Did you know the first carbonated drink was created back in the 1700s? It’s true! It was a bit different than the soda we ...
The first glass of the soda was poured on May 8 ... their branding (you'll probably notice a lot of labels now say "zero sugar" instead of "diet" in hopes of casting a wider net to consumers).
Slowly and carefully open a new bottle of Diet Coke. 2. Place it on a flat area outside where it is OK to get wet with soda. 3. Put the open end of ... Read and follow all the warnings on the label.
Sugary sodas have lots of calories, and add very little nutrition to your diet. Is sugar from soda worse for you than sugar from other foods? Yes. The same amount of sugar in, fruit for example ...