Food does more than nourish the body. It can be fun and fulfilling. Yet, if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), meals and the hours after them can be anything but enjoyable.
“Managing diet in acid reflux is individualized,” says Dr. Schnoll-Sussman. “First, we focus on lifestyle management. This may include eating slowly, chewing well, stopping before feeling stuffe ...
What Are GERD (aka Acid Reflux or Heartburn) and IBS? Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD ... on the acidity of foods and how to tailor a diet to accommodate this issue if you also have IBS.
[6,11] The diagnostic tests that are useful in the evaluation of suspected GERD in pediatric patients are listed in Table 2. Eosinophilic esophagitis is characterized by an isolated, severe ...