the doctor may prescribe a mild steroid cream for a few days until the rash goes away. The best way to prevent diaper rash is to keep your baby's skin as dry and clean as possible. Change diapers ...
All parents worry about diaper rash, but every baby is going to get one, sooner or later. We'll go over all that, step by step. : Oh, my gracious; that's all dark and green. Jennifer Shu ...
Usually, diaper rash is the result of an irritation, infection, or allergy. Also, starting new foods can change the content and frequency of a baby's poop, which can sometimes lead to a diaper rash.
Diaper rashes are very common in babies. Often caused by not cleaning stool off the skin soon enough. Stool is a strong irritant to the skin. Here's some care advice that should help. Change diapers ...