[Dzl] and his rather serious looking son are metal detector enthusiasts. But when they couldn’t find their store-bought metal detector earlier this summer they just went ahead and built their own.
While scuba diving in the river, using my underwater metal detector, I found some incredible finds, including an iPhone X, tons of coins and a solid gold Aggie Ring! The owner's name was inside the ...
Exploration is our mission exploring into the deep forest looking for a long-lost camp. During this trip, we go into areas not seen by other people in decades to find History that has been lost for ...
Metal detecting is a fun pastime, even when all you can find is a little bit of peace and a whole lot of pop tabs. [Huygens Optics] has a VLF-based metal detector that offers much more feedback ...
When he takes up metal detecting to find the wreckage, a growing fascination leads him on a heartfelt mission that will bring a group of international strangers together for a surprising emotional ...