We have decided to suspend the Lenten Series indefinitely. However, this is an exciting time as we are currently working on new resources and initiatives that are responsive to our current moment and ...
Take a moment to consider how the lenten traditions of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving can be a part of your lenten journey. February 14th. Mass at 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. at Holy ...
"Sacred music and daily prayers such as the rosary are still popular ... Pray40 and other prayers "have brought us closer as a community this Lent, encouraging each other to journey into the ...
In this difficult time for us all, we need these "prayer tools" more than ever. Join us through Lent this year when we will journey together, spending more time in prayer and getting to know Jesus.
Whether you're interested in Lenten prayers that are confessional by emphasizing ... will or intentions as I should and I fall behind daily, for I am a poor, sick sinner. You know that I want ...