If you're thinking about starting a bullet journal, here are a few ideas to try: Idea 1: A simple to-do list "A lot of people use [dot journaling] at a yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily level ...
Bullet journaling is a way to streamline planning, journaling, ideating and more. Here are the 11 best bullet journal options ...
When it’s organized in a bullet journal, these ideas may prove even more effective — and easier to achieve. So whether it’s your Hollywood pitch or an appointment you need to remember ...
You don't need to be an artist to get the most out of bullet journaling. Here's how anyone can get started using it as a mindfulness tool. How do you make a to-do list that works? When it comes to ...
I filled up an entire Moleskine notebook each school year with daily thoughts, class notes and short fiction. It wasn’t until after I graduated that Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal Method came ...
Simply put, a bullet journal (sometimes shortened to BJo or ... "But this can easily be made into a weekly planner, or even a daily planner to track your work and revision in more detail." ...
Whether you’re a seasoned bullet journalist or just starting out (in which case, check out our guide to setting up your first journal), social media is the best place to find ideas to spark your ...
"Two years ago I wouldn't have been to afford it. It was all thanks to my bullet journal," she says. She says tracking her finances using her bullet journal has contributed towards buying the house.