Both Small and Medium creatures control a five-by-five-foot area on a battle map, but this doesn’t mean DnD Humans, Elves, and Goblins are all five-foot cubes. That’s just the space they can ...
An increasingly complicated script that simulates a bunch of different combat elements in a mock DnD 5E battle - inspired by the Critical Role internet series and characters. This all came about ...
It's a chance to bust out the minis, battle maps, and terrain. However, some groups don't have the resources, enough space, or even the desire to set up miniature battle encounters. Wild cackles ...
Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting lets Dungeons and Dragons players hunt massive monsters and carve them up to craft new ...
Even the purported best VTTs for running DnD campaigns seem to hit the same roadblocks where battles are concerned. With my home games, I was always content with a wet-erase map and miniatures.