The video below is a longish intro to [Sam]’s methods, and his YouTube channel has a video tour of his fab and a few videos on making specific devices. [Sam] credits [Jeri Ellsworth]’s DIY ...
For [emach1ne], the DIY LED was part of a Master’s degree course ... The whole thing must have been a great experience in modern fab methods, and [emach1ne] should feel lucky to have access ...
It's called Fab@Home, and it's an open-source, desktop size fabrication rig; essentially a 3-dimesional printer. What the system allows you to do is fabricate complex parts with a simple, low cost ...
Do you like to repurpose thrifted jewelry in your home and garden? If yes, you inevitably come across earrings in good condition at charity shops that you want to add to your personal adornment ...
A DIY enthusiast has revealed that she was quoted £600 for a kitchen makeover, so decided to do it herself on the cheap. So if the cost of living crisis has made your purse feel tighter than ever ...