It's the 16th annual CSBG DC/Marvel Tournament! Round one of you voting on which DC and Marvel characters would win in a ...
It's the 16th annual CSBG DC/Marvel Tournament! Here's round two of you voting on which DC and Marvel heroes would win in a ...
With appearances in thousands of comic books and more than a dozen live-action and animated movies and shows, Batman is among ...
DC Comics has been the number two superhero comic line for decades. While books like Batman and assorted revamps by big name ...
Even when the hero wins, it doesn’t always feel like a victory for them. This can come in many forms, but usually ends with ...
There are typically many reasons why a movie flops, but sometimes, their lead stars are to blame. In the case of these Marvel ...
Ben Affleck realized DC movies were getting 'too old' for their audience when his own son was 'too scared' to watch him play Batman: 'Oh s---, we have a problem.' ...
Stanley's career took off courtesy to his personal passion for drawing characters he loved. He never set out to work for major publishers like DC and Marvel; instead, he gained recognition through fan ...
With so many death fakeouts and surprise revivals, it doesn't feel like there are any stakes in Invincible, even after Rex's ...
Colin Farrell received major acclaim from critics and fans alike for his grimly vulnerable portrayal of Oz Cobb in The ...