Anything that has GPIO and can talk to a temperature sensor is enough to build a thermostat. As you all know, however, I have committed to a building a Raspberry Pi into every room in my house ...
After assembling it on a concrete footing and adding some steel bracing, they got to work on adding an environment management system based around a Raspberry ... sensor. Based on that input, the ...
The IPEM PiHat is a Raspberry Pi HAT that turns the SBC into an up to tri-phased mains power energy monitor with four CT ...
Ditronix is offering a multi-phase power and energy monitoring board in the form of a 'Hat' for Raspberry Pis. Called 'IPEM ...
Philip Gutjahr is using a Raspberry Pi 5 to power his Sensorpack project which features an array of sensors that are super useful and fun to tinker with.
Arduino is a microcontroller used to control motors, LEDs, and interfacing sensors ... Raspberry Pi machines often require a power adapter, as most USB ports can't supply enough current for ...