Experts say you should aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night, but for many, that’s easier said than done.
New research links regular exercise with a lower risk of insomnia. This joins a growing body of evidence that supports ...
People with a persistent sleep problem may need to make more behavioral changes. Research studies point to a set of six rules ...
Today’s volatile political environment is creating uncertainty and worry that can disrupt sleep and may even lead to a sleep ...
Dr. Julio Fernandez-Mendoza from Penn State College of Medicine shares insights into chronic insomnia affecting 10% of ...
If you have chronic insomnia ... Cognitive behavioral therapy is the first-line treatment recommended for insomnia. Light therapy may also help, which is the use of a bright light therapy lamp ...
Compared to acceptance and commitment therapy for insomnia, cognitive behavioral therapy almost tripled the chances of treatment response.
Daridorexant, a dual orexin receptor antagonist, is currently approved for the treatment of adult patients with insomnia, characterized by difficulties with sleep onset and/or sleep maintenance.
It’s not — it’s a fundamental pillar of health. Unfortunately, countless Canadians live with chronic insomnia, causing them to miss out on the myriad benefits of restorative sleep.
Currently, treatment for chronic insomnia is centered on cognitive behavioral therapy. While this focuses on mainly recentering the maladaptive behaviors and reversing the effects of the ...
Daridorexant, Idorsia’s dual orexin receptor antagonist, shows consistent efficacy across both insomnia- and nocturia-related ...