Background Medical management of GERD mainly uses proton pump inhibitors. Alginates also have proven efficacy. The aim of this trial was to compare short-term efficacy of an alginate (Gaviscon ...
Over time, untreated GERD can lead to damage to the esophagus, such as inflammation, strictures, or Barrett’s oesophagus, a ...
Home remedies for heartburn relief include avoiding trigger foods, chewing gum, and elevating the bed. Heartburn is a painful or burning sensation that may occur just below or behind the breast bone.
Heartburn at night could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This article explains simple home remedies that can help ease symptoms while you work with a healthcare provider to ...
Ginger is a natural remedy known for its ability to relieve heartburn and gas by improving digestion reducing inflammation ...
any improvement in GERD symptoms at 12 months might be caused by the placebo effect. The lack of durability of the treatment means that, pending the development of improved minimally invasive ...
Acid reflux exposes your esophagus to stomach acid. Your stomach is built to tolerate stomach acid, but your esophagus isn’t. Without treatment, GERD can damage your esophagus and lead to ...
Discover how persistent indigestion harms your throat, heart, lungs, and mental health, going far beyond simple discomfort to ...
GERD is short for gastroesophageal reflux disease ... In cases where symptoms persist despite treatment by your primary care provider or if the diagnosis is unclear, there is further testing that can ...
Heartburn, chest pain ... This type of doctor specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, if you have a chronic cough or voice changes as a result ...
- The current evidence neither supports nor refutes the safety and efficacy (usefulness) of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for the treatment of reflux in preterm infants. What is gastroesophageal ...
In case of GERD symptoms without esophagitis on endoscopy or where endoscopy is not considered necessary (esophagitis prevalence in the general population not exceeding 2%), [1] treatment aims at ...