Portrayed by Daniel Craig, this quirky and brilliant detective has been featured in the "Knives Out" films and has earned the love of viewers. Known for his Southern drawl and unorthodox ...
The true crime show The Breakthrough is one of the most popular shows on Netflix right now. Here's why you should binge it.
There is an unprecedented “Special Squad”, commissioned to solve the unsolved incidents that even the police can’t handle. Those who have raided the underage prostitution case will be ...
The drama tells the story of a cold case that went unsolved for 16 years and the arduous journey to finding the killer.
There's also a theatre show in the works, but we wouldn't expect to see that before the movie. As mentioned above, we know who will play the four crime-solving pensioners. After rumours linking ...
The following list has three such shows to satiate your crime-solving needs. One’s a popular Netflix hit set around Christmastime this year, while the other two are more traditional British ...
Portrayed by Daniel Craig, this quirky and brilliant detective has been featured in the "Knives Out" films and has earned the love of viewers. Known for his Southern drawl and unorthodox ...