The Almighty is always faithful, He never fails, and if we take a closer look throughout our past, we notice that He has been ...
In understanding the covenant we discover the deeper meaning of all of the sacraments. Covenants are how God the Father fathers his family throughout salvation history, beginning with Adam and Eve.
When you have a good, deep relationship with God, he exempts, protects, extracts you from troubles, destruction and the ...
There are no administrations of the covenant of grace in the Bible. There are the specific Divine covenants found very ...
WE are deliberately focusing on our side of the covenant rather than on God’s side. God’s side is not difficult at all – He is a faithful God. If He promises, He will never fail. The ...
At every Passover, the Jews recalled and renewed their covenant with God by sacrificing a lamb. This sacrificial lamb once spared the firstborn of the Jews from the exterminating angel who came to ...
The word covenant means agreement, such as a contract between two people. Many Jews see their relationship with God as a covenant, or an agreement. The belief is that God asks them to do certain ...
Few people who believe in God have not asked themselves, "What will Heaven be like? Are there divisions of glory in the heavens?" Knowing some answers could help us live better lives while we are here ...
A covenant is not just one-sided ... messages that basically challenge and encourage the listener to incorporate God's word into hearts and minds, which transforms us into being more like Jesus.
The Almighty is always faithful, He never fails, and if we take a closer look throughout our past, we notice that He has been ...