Initially released in February 2021 for PC gamers, Xbox One and Xbox Series X players first got their chance to step into the ...
While Xbox Game Pass rarely goes a month without getting at least something new that’s worth checking out, it’s certainly had ...
Microsoft held its Xbox Developer Direct which showcased four pretty promising-looking games coming out throughout the year ...
The Xbox Series X is a powerhouse of a console, but most games aren't split-screen anymore. Here are all the best games that still support split-screen play.
Xbox has to be the top FPS console, with so many stellar franchises, like Halo, Call of Duty, Doom, Wolfenstein, and so on.
Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer explains the reason behind Xbox porting its first-party games to PlayStation and Nintendo.
Microsoft is sending Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X users free games, and sometimes very expensive amounts of ...
Remember when Activision was publishing other games besides Call of Duty? Recall how, for a brief period of time, some of ...
There's good news to kick off the year though. In yesterday's Xbox Developer Direct showcase, it was mentioned at the very ...
Ahead of the game's release on Xbox this February, Whitethorn Games has released a new teaser trailer for Slime Heroes ...