Computer data storage is a technology consisting of computer components and recording media that are used to retain digital data. It is a core function and fundamental component of computers.: 15–16 ...
devices are generally separated into three types ... for backing up home computer systems. Tapes are commonly used for permanent storage of very large amounts of data. The data is read or written ...
To store text, use the string data type. Think of a word or sentence as ... The main advantage of storing data as integers is so that you can use it in calculations. We do not normally do this ...
An optical disc is a type of data storage media that is made of polycarbonate ... Data recovery is the process of retrieving lost data on a computer. Disk management software may be used with data ...
Data storage management software is used for data backups, disaster recovery, and hierarchical storage management (HSM). There are several different types of products. Documentation management ...