The Commodore 64 turned 40 in 2022. If you owned one in the day ... As many as 10,000 commercial games may have been released during the C64’s life, and the catalogue is further swelled by homebrew ...
It’s now nearly four decades since the iconic Commodore 64 8-bit computer ... It appears to bring the 64 ports out to headers, and the ROM cartridge port to an edge connector socket at the ...
Almost 40 years have passed since Beyond the Ice Palace first released on the Commodore ... Commodore 64 gem, and while the original might not be remembered as one of the best retro games of ...
To that end, [que] built the Retromodem for the Commodore 64. The build starts with a case from an Intel 14.4 modem. A little fast for the Commodore 64 era, but anachronism is charming when done ...
Star Fox 64 is one of the most beloved games in the franchise, and these obscure facts are great for veteran players and new fans alike. Tinhead boasts colorful, cartoony visuals that belie its ...
Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC. Even more obscure consoles are covered, such as the Mattel Intellivision and Nintendo's Virtual ...