According to health experts, our bodies are excellent detoxifiers and, unless you are constipated and/or in need of medical attention, colon cleansing does not have the proven health benefits ...
Colonic irrigation is a therapy primarily designed to cleanse and promote health in the large bowel. Practitioners of colonic irrigation believe that the treatment can flush out impacted faeces ...
The Colonpro is a colon hydrotherapy systems that dedicate to cleanse colon, solve intestine problems, and remove toxic waste. Adopted by more than 10,000 families all over the world, tifotronic ...
Treatment: Also known as colonic irrigation, this is a form of enema designed to remove what is considered to be an unhealthy build-up of toxins within the large intestine. The therapist will take ...
Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer (MSTFCRC) address optimizing the quality of bowel preparation for colonoscopy.
The majority of the MSTFCRC recommendations focus on outpatients at low risk for inadequate bowel cleansing ... the gold standard for evaluating the colon, including assessing causes of colon ...