It focuses on academic writing proficiency and critical thinking in preparation for the more advanced skills required in other college-level writing courses. English 115 may not be counted toward a ...
and revision processes that underpin college-level writing. To do this, we work with a range of writing styles and genres, and we focus on locating and using scholarly and other credible sources to ...
All WI courses have a prerequisite that can be met either by submitting a Writing Placement for Juniors Portfolio (WPJ) or by completing ENGL 109W or ENGL 109M. Students who choose Portfolio placement ...
Undergraduate and graduate level writing have a number of differences, but your undergraduate writing experience serves as a foundation for moving on to the graduate level. There are two main paths ...
Ability to communicate well, both orally and in writing. Students will develop college-level writing and presentation skills through the Written Communication requirement. Freshman Composition has ...
Curricular Outcome: Ability to communicate well, both orally and in writing. Students will develop college-level writing and presentation skills through the Technical Writing and Technical ...