This test provides students the opportunity to take MATH 1111, College Algebra, if their old SATM is 440-460; or new SATM is 480-500; or ACTM is 17-19; and Math Placement Index (MPI) score is below ...
Decide whether each statement is true or false. If true, explain why. If false, provide a counterexample. All rational numbers are integers. The absolute value of a number is always positive. Write an ...
How do I know what math course I should take? All UW students are required to complete a minimum of one college level quantitative reasoning or "Q" course (or test out via ACT, SAT or Math Placement ...
The Philadelphia School District wants high school students who failed their state algebra tests to retake them in an attempt ...
The School District of Philadelphia is giving students who failed the state Keystone Exams in algebra an incentive to retake the test: cash.