It should fetch anything between £60,000 and £80,000," said a spokesman. Last November, Morse creator Colin Dexter handed over the keys of the Jaguar to lawyer James Went, 25, who had won the ...
Fans will not be disappointed in the reappearance of the irascible yet loveable Inspector Morse, the Oxford policeman who investigates the underside of his beautiful city. This time Dexter employs ...
"The Mk II jaguar of that class is normally worth about £6,000," he added. Last November, Morse creator Colin Dexter handed the keys of the Jaguar to lawyer James Went, 25, who had won the ...
The series, based on novels by Colin Dexter, starred John Thaw as the cultured Inspector Morse, known for his love of opera, crosswords, and a fine real ale. With his trusted Sergeant, DS Lewis ...
For the first time, Inspector Morse is being adapted for the stage, following a clause in author Colin Dexter's will that only actor Thaw could portray the character on screen, preserving his ...
first conceived by novelist Colin Dexter. In stepping into the role of Inspector Morse, Chambers will reunite with director Anthony Banks following their collaboration on the tour of Dial M for ...
It’s going to be a fabulous evening of entertainment.” Based on the novels by Colin Dexter, theITV series Inspector Morse starred John Thaw as the erudite Inspector, famed for his love of ...
For the first time, Inspector Morse is being brought to the stage, following a clause in author Colin Dexter's will that stated only actor Thaw could portray the character on screen, preserving ...