When it comes to clover, the jury is out – while some people enjoy the sight of this plant on their grass, others are keen to wipe it out. But should you get rid of clover in lawns? While your ...
"By next spring the entire lawn will easily be replaced." Homeowner shares impressive progress photo after choosing unusual ...
They would then transport these seeds to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where large seed firms bought the popular seeds and supplied them to customers who used the clover for seeding lawns. From 1920 until ...
When trying to remove suckling clover from grass turf, herbicides such as clopyralid, dicamba (present in several turf herbicide mixtures) or picloram/triclopyr (Victory Gold) are very effective. Care ...
For weed control in waste places, metsulfuron is often added to glyphosate to improve control of white clover plus other weeds not killed by glyphosate. In lawns, selective herbicides containing ...
If you stop mowing your whole lawn or part of it, for a month or a season, you can create a busy wildlife habitat. Plants already present will have the chance to grow and bloom. Clover seeds may ...