Better XCloud is a free plugin for Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome that promises to improve the visual quality and ...
Streaming video games, or cloud gaming. What are they? How do they work? What do they offer? Today, we want to explain ...
There are some other connection options of interest to IT professionals, including Azure Virtual Desktop and Microsoft Dev ...
Remember the rumor that Microsoft was bringing Xbox Game Pass to the Nintendo Switch? That didn't end up happening, but Valve ...
Microsoft's next Xbox may be nothing but a custom designed mini PC, which could mean some big changes for Xbox gamers.
DeepLink Protocol, a pioneer in decentralized cloud gaming, is set to launch its Personal PC Mining feature, a ...
PCs and consoles are more alike than ever these days, but the gap in gaming sales is projected to wide by quite a bit by the ...
Microsoft is reportedly developing an Xbox-branded gaming handheld, codenamed "Keenan," in partnership with a PC gaming OEM.